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Cross Browser Testing using Selenium Grid

What is cross browser testing ?

It is a type of functional testing where you need to test your web application works across multiple browsers such as chrome, Firefox, Internet Explore/Edge, Safari ...etc.

Why we need it ?

User can open the web application in any browser, and when user opens it in any browser your application should have to work/behave properly, same across the all browser.

Usually happens that web application works fine on chrome/Firefox but did't work on IE. Or works fine on IE and Chrome but not working on Firefox. As every browser has its own rendering engine.

What is selenium grid ?

Selenium grid is a tool/library(part of selenium suite) which allows you too run your test in different browser as well as on different environment/OS. Also it supports distributed test/scripts execution.

It is used to speed-up your test execution by spreading test on multiple machines to run tests parallel.

What is hub and node ?

- Hub is a machine or instance where you redirect your test.

- Node is a instance/client which will execute test that you have redirected to hub.

- You can launch hub and node on single machine.

- You can have a multiple node connected to the single hub.

- But you can not have a multiple hub i.e it should have only single hub.

- We can setup hub on windows , and connect node from Linux, Mac or any of the different platform. or vice versa. i.e there is no same system/os require to setup grid. as shown in above diagram.

Setup selenium grid hub and node :

Download selenium standalone jar from or click here.

and chrome, Firefox, IE/Edge , Safari , driver for specific platform.

1. Go to the folder where you have stored downloaded jar file.

2. cd webdriver (I have stored it on my home/webdriver)

3. Execute the following command to start your hub.

3.1 java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar -role hub

3.2 It will start your hub by default on port no 4444, you can check it by hitting localhost:4444/grid/console in your browser. it will not show any details/browser as we have't registered any node to hub.

3.2 Also if you want to run hub on specific port just add -port port_no at the end of command

e.g. java -jar selenium-<your version>.jar -role hub -port 4123.

4. Open a new terminal/Command prompt and Register node by executing following command.

4.1 java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar -role node -hub http://your_ip:4444/grid/register (you can use localhost instead of IP if your registering node from the same machine)

if you hit localhost:4444/grid/console in browser it will show like below

4.2 Above command will registered node using by default port no 5555.

if you wants to change it just user -port port_no parameter at the end.

e.g java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar -role node -port 5152 -hub http://your_ip:4444/grid/register

4.3 It will register all available browser to hub,but its not a good way.

4.4 You can register a specific browser to the hub using -browser parameter.


Java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar -role node -hub http://your_ip:4444/grid/register -browser "browserName=chrome,version=50,platform=Linux""chromedriver" -browser "browserName=firefox,vesion=47,platform=Linux" -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver="geckoriver"

On Windows machine use chromedriver.exe and geckodriver.exe.

If you register node in above way it will show like below

Now you can use your script/modify your script to run using selenium grid by parameterizing test (junit/testng for java).

Let me know if you face any issue while setup, will happy to reply.




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